BioElectric therapy is a combination based on Chinese Medicinal Principle, Law of Nature and Electrical Principles Western Reflexology. The BioElectric Device (FDA Certified) generates a low electrical current into our body to regulate the Meridians back to health.
BioElectric Therapy is a drug free therapy option for pain management by prompting the body to produce endorphins to help relieve pain. The principle function of endorphins is to inhibit the communication of pain signals; it may also produce a feeling of euphoria very similar to that produced opioids. The meridians of our body determine our body functions. This means that majority of acute and chronic conditions could be helped by unblocking the meridians for optimal health.
How BioElectric Therapy Works:
The result of the impulses of BioElectric Energy in our body is to stimulate the body meridians. This causes excitement to the peripheral nerve fibers. The impulse of BioElectric current spreads to the central nervous system’s neutrons and endorphins. The brain releases endorphins to provide the analgesic effects to relieve pain. People can feel an instant relief of his/her pain naturally.
BioElectric Therapy also helps in bactericidal and anti-inflammatory effect healing us from within. Our bodies consist primarily of water, and there are many conductive electrolyte and micro electrolytes present. Water constitutes a large portion (about 60-70%) of our body system for all organs to function optimally. Water, therefore acts as a base to conduct electricity within the body This proves that the human body has the capability to conduct current since water is a good conductor of electricity.
The Meridian is the path of our blood channel which transports blood to various parts of the human body. It is also a channel that communicates and exchange energy between our body. It is an important channel to transmit information, via bio-electric pathways within our body system, defending and guarding the body from external harm. With regular application of BioElectric Therapy, molecular cells are being re-arranged. This re-arrangement constitutes a change of these molecular cells from inconsistent arrangement to a more organized way of working inside our bodies.
Benefits of BioElectric Therapy:
- Purify and Detoxify the Body
- Regulate the Bodies Digestive System
- Restore Acid/Alkaline balance pH Level
- Support blood and lymph circulation and health
- Minimize fatigue
- Improve metabolism
- Aids in weight loss
- Alleviate symptoms and side effects of strokes
- Diabetes prevention and improvement
- Regulate blood pressure
- Counter signs of aging and wrinkles
- Clears Blockages along the Bodies Meridians
- Promote Blood Circulation
- Activate Cells Nerve and Muscle
- Decrease Inflammation
- Painless
- Relieves & Reduces Pain
- Boot Immune System
- Helps with Insomnia
- Provides Emotional Benefits
One BioElectric Treatment is equal to:
45 Lymph Drainage Treatment
6 Hours of Body Massage
Running for 3.7 miles excess fat depletion
3 Hours of increased oxygen supply
Depletes 4 grams of internal toxin
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