Acid-Alkaline & pH Level

Why is the pH Level so important?

pH Level stands for Potential Hydrogen and is actually a measurement of voltage. Humans need to be at a pH Level of 7.35 – 7.45 for optimum health. 7.35 is equal to -20 millivolts and 7.45 is equal to -25 millivolts.
Most people are more acidic than alkaline. This means we do not have the proper voltage for the human body to do all it was designed to do and more importantly for the body to take care of itself. All diseases occur when you are acidic and your voltage is low.

As with anything electrical, if there is low or improper voltage, any body and any system will not perform optimally and eventually breaks down.
Chronic disease and healing are controlled by voltage. When voltage drops, the organs don’t have the voltage/horsepower to do their job and the body does not have the energy to get rid of toxic waste, which accumulates over time and as we grow older.

When your body is in a slightly alkaline state — you can help prevent and even conquer just about any health problem including:

• Joint stiffness!
• Weak heart!
• Poor digestion!
• Sore muscles!
• Constipation!
• Blood sugar imbalances!
• Poor circulation!
• Sluggish immunity!
• Premature aging!
• Skin outbreaks!
• Premature wrinkles!
• Abnormal cell growth!

Acid build-up wreaks havoc in your entire body. Sure, your doctor may call it “this disease” or “that disease” — but no matter what it’s called — it’s triggered by too much acid!


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