How does BioElectric Therapy work?
BioElectric Therapy works in many ways to promote and maintain overall well-being and vitality. While the client relaxes on a massage table, the therapist uses bio-electric currents as they massage the client to stimulate the meridians; the energetic channels and physical channels through which blood flows. These currents work on the peripheral nerves as well as the central nervous system to induce relaxation and healing on a cellular level. The currents are literally rearranging the molecular cells in the body from a disorganized pattern that contributes to disease, to a more organized cell structure. This Treatment uses electric current instead of needles as with Acupuncture. Low, relaxing current is applied to the meridians of the body. BioElectric Therapy cleanse the meridians to help achieve optimum wellness. With regular application of BioElectric Therapy, helps the body may heal itself in a more efficiently.
What are the benefits of BioElectric Therapy?
The benefits of BioElectric Therapy are tremendous and can impact all areas of life. BioElectric Therapy helps to clear the blockages of the meridians. BioElectric Therapy is a controlled therapy increasing better blood flow throughout the body and improves viscosity, which is the thickness of our blood as it flows through our veins. When circulation and blood flow is at its peak, illness has a hard time surviving in our bodies. BioElectric Therapy also activates nerve and muscle tissues to improve overall nervous system functioning and restore muscle tone, thereby, it may help to relieve muscle pain.
BioElectric Therapy can help to regulate our digestive systems and promote healthy endocrine responses to stress. When our endocrine glands function properly, everything from sleep to appetite, digestion and how we manage stress in everyday life is improved. As our endocrine system improves with regular applications of BioElectric Therapy, our bodies will have less fatigue due to the organs and related systems functioning at an improved level of health and wellness.
Other effects of BioElectric Therapy include: relief from inflammation, pain reduction, detoxifying and purification of the blood, and greater metabolism. BioElectric Therapy also offers many emotional benefits as well. When you start to clear out the physical junk and difficulties, it then makes room for the body to begin to emotionally heal. Just like the Earth is cleansed after a thunderstorm, BioElectric Therapy has a profound cleansing and clearing effect on all systems of our bodies.
Are there any contraindication for BioElectric Therapy?
BioElectric Therapy is good for human health, however, it is not suitable for everyone. For example, foreign material (steel metal plates screws, heart stent, silca gel).

BEMER SESSIONS for Thriving Health!
What is BEMER Technology?
BEMER is a 100% science-based, class 1 FDA registered medical device developed in Germany. It is a non-invasive device that improves blood flow in people and animals.
BEMER is Bio-Electromagnetic Energy. The working mechanism of BEMER consists of the transmission of a patented multi-dimensional configured signal (waveform). This unique signal is transmitted into the body via an electromagnetic field. The BEMER signal and not the electromagnetic field that acts as the ”agent” that stimulates the circulatory response.
BEMER Technology is used by NASA, Professional Athletes and Medical Doctors (European hospitals) as well as a variety of health practitioner (chiropractors, massage therapists).
An increasing amount of people purchase a BEMER for home use, to ensure continuous benefits and the possibility of sharing the amazing technology with others.
What are BEMER sessions like?
You sit or lie comfortably on the body mat for 8 minutes. Depending on your health issues, small applicators can be applied to area of concern for an additional 8-20 minutes. Wear normal clothing, remove your shoes and just relax.
What are the Benefits Of a Single Session?
Many people experience immediate benefits from a single session — increased energy, relaxation, better sleep, and relief from discomfort. Regular users can see even more dramatic results.
What are the benefits of Regular BEMER Sessions?
Many people experience some level of compromised blood flow which may be caused by a variety of issues, ranging from exposure to toxins, a sedentary lifestyle, poor nutrition, aging and inflammation. The simple action of using BEMER technology for 8 minutes on a regular basis may create a very profound impact on the body, including:
- Increased oxygenation and nutrients to your cells
- Enhanced disposal of cellular waste and toxins
- Improved self-healing capacity of the body
- Improved cardiac function
- Increased physical fitness and endurance
- Increased strength and energy
- Improved concentration and mental acuity
- Reduction of stress
- Improved relaxation and better quality of sleep
And so much more…
Can I use the BEMER with metal implants?
Because of the low intensity of the magnetic field used to transmit the BEMER signal, the BEMER can be used with all metal implants (e.g. surgical screws, discs, suture clips, etc.) However, magnetic, electromagnetic, or electrical implanted devices (Defibrillators, Pacemakers, Deep Brain Stimulators, Pain Pumps, Insulin Pumps etc.) shold be cleared for use by the medical device manufacturere of the implanted devices before BEMER is applied.
Can I use the BEMER with electronic implants or pacemaker?
The electromagnetic fields used in BEMER technology cannot cause any faults to pacemakers or defibrillators, if the implant complies with FDA standard. However, it is recommended to check with the manufacture of the implantable device to confirm that it will not be adversely affected by the electromagnetic field the BEMER emits. The maximum average flux desnity (intensity) of BEMER on its highest output level is 150 microTesla..
Are there any contraindication with BioElectric Therapy “BEMER” sessions?
See BioElectric Therapy “BEMER” Medical Statement Consent Form.
How Can I Experience A BEMER Session?
First two BEMER sessions free! Just schedule your appointment on line or call to schedule your free sessions.

What is Quantum Resonance Magnetic Analyzer?
Built on the theoretical principle of Quantum Resonance Magnetic Analyzer medicine, the device conducts a scientific analysis of the weak magnetic field of human cells. This helps to analyze and determine an individual’s health condition as well as the main problem areas so as to prevent them.
What does the QRMA test provide?
- A single test gives you more than 240 readings from 39 areas.
- Immediate results and evaluations, rather than usual long waiting times.
- Early detection of any organ dysfunction allows timely stabilization or real prevention.
- Presentation of the measurement results in easy-to-understand graphics.
- Different time measurements can be compared and thus a track record can be drawn.
- According to the manufacturer’s declaration, the QRMA device is a wellness device!
What is measured with the QRMA device?
- Vital substance analysis (vitamins, minerals, trace elements, amino acids, coenzymes).
- Sugar and cholesterol levels.
- Bone density, osteoporosis and rheumatism values.
- Condition of cervical and lumbar spine.
- Heavy metal pollution, residues of pesticides.
- Function of the liver, pancreas, digestive system, lung, kidneys, cranial nerves, male and female reproductive organs (e.g., early detection of prostate enlargement).
- Thyroid with T3, T4 and autoimmune values.
- Cardiovascular system including infarct index.
- Immune system.
- General physical condition (BMI).
What does the QRMA test device analyze?
The QRMA delivers a comprehensive color coded report that highlights the important areas of health concerns.
Cardio- and Cerebrovascular |
Trace Element |
Collagen |
Click on Link to view Sample Report